Enjoy the highest number of free Catholic resources of all time on Mary Our Help app!Features:Daily Mass ReadingFull Mass readings for each day for private and public use.Mariology CourseStudy the theology on Mary the Mother of God (mariology) and get a certificate at the end of your course.Feast Days CheckerKnow what the church is celebrating for the day.Catechism Access Catechism materials in Audio, Video and E-book formats.Daily Saints Reading about all the saints who are being celebrated each day of the week.Catholic NovenasThere are more than 200 Catholic novenas which you can pray.Catholic Prayers More than 200 Catholic prayers Comprising of Chaplets, Litanies, Traditional Catholic Prayers Etc.Marian ApparitionsWatch all Marian Apparition videosTeachingsGet enlightened through sound Catholic teachings on Angels, Demons and Spiritual warfare.Catholic BooksThere are lots of Catholic books available for you to read. You can also request for a book to be made available to you.Daily DevotionalRead and meditate on the word of God daily through the devotional that is published every month.CounselingGet free advice and counseling.